In one, the Saint, formerly a blacksmith himself, was working at his forge when the Devil paid him a visit. The Devil had disguised himself as a beautiful woman, with a view to leading his victim astray. However, the Saint spotted Satan’s cloven hooves poking out from beneath the woman’s dress, and grabbed the Devil's nose with his red hot pincers, thus foiling the Evil One’s diabolical scheme.
According to another legend, Satan returned again as a weary traveller in need of a horseshoe. The Saint saw through the disguise a second time and beat the Devil until he pleaded for mercy, and swore never to enter any house with a horseshoe above the door.
To find out more about the festive season and its many traditions, order your copy of the Chrismologist's Christmas Explained: Robins, Kings and Brussel Sprouts today!
The book is also available in the United States as Christmas Miscellany: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Christmas.
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