I've written a Judge Dredd story!
Yes - you read that right - I really have written a Judge Dredd story!
Now, admittedly, most people spend years writing for 2000AD (or the Megazine) - first working on Future Shocks, or Tales from the Black Museum, and then, if they're lucky, developing series and characters of their own - before being let loose on the House of Tharg's premier strip. I've yet to even have a Past Imperfect story appear in 2000AD, but I've snuck in the back door, as it were.

What genuinely surprised me was that Psimple Psimon was my first pitch, and the first draft was accepted as finished. (That said, it was an idea I'd had filed away for a long time.) So why not pick up Megazine #331, and check out my story for yourself. It's got everything you'd want from a Dredd story: violence; puns; and pithy put-downs.
Now, what to do for a follow up...?
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