'TWAS - The Krampus Night Before Christmas on Amazon seems to be a problem at the book distributors end, which we're working hard to resolve.)
But fortunately, today happens to be Advent Sunday. The period of four weeks leading up to Christmas is called Advent, from the Latin 'adveneo' meaning ‘to come’. In this context it refers to the coming of Jesus, and so in the Christian Church has always been a time of preparation, in expectation of the Feast of the Nativity.
In many households the days left until Christmas are counted down with the aid of an Advent calendar. The first Advent calendars, as we would recognise them, were made in the middle of the nineteenth century. Even before that, however, German Lutherans were already marking off the days of Advent by some physical means. In some households this meant lighting a new candle each day or hanging up a religious image, but could be something as simple (and cost-free) as marking a line in chalk on the door of the house. If candles were used, they were mounted on a device called an Advent clock.
The first recognisable Advent calendar, however, didn’t appear until 1851, and even then it was a handmade creation. There is some debate as to when the first printed calendar appeared. Some say that it was produced in 1902 or 1903, in Hamburg, Germany; others claim that it did not appear until 1908, and that it was the creation of one Gerhard Lang, a printer from Munich. And although it might seem like a more recent addition, Advent calendars replete with chocolate treats have actually been around for at least half a century, and were certainly available by 1958.
'TWAS - The Krampus Night Before Christmas makes the perfect stocking filler, while 'TWAS - The Roleplaying Game Before Christmas is currently funding on Kickstarter.
To find out more about the festive season and its many traditions, order your copy of the Chrismologist's Christmas Explained: Robins, Kings and Brussel Sprouts today!
The book is also available in the United States as Christmas Miscellany: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Christmas.
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